water project annual trip 14th Feb. 4th March 2012
We left from
Manchester Airport on 14/02/2012. Vanesa Benson, Foustina Clarke left London
Heathrow for Nairobi international airport Kenya on 10.2.12 While Benson,
Elizabeth and Eva left for Kenya through Manchester airport on the 14.02.12.
Jane Wangai had her holiday slashed by the employer and had to leave Kenya before
we could go. Jenny Brown’s holiday was allowed only after most of us had left.
We are very grateful to Jackie Peel for providing her big vehicle and Jack
dropping us at Manchester international airport.
The Rev.d
Mike Gathland was advised not to travel by his consultant due to medical
reasons just two weeks before the travel date. We are sorry that he could not
make it although he had already paid the airfare. However he gave a personal
donation of £250 towards the expenses of “fighting mental illness stigma in
Kenya” workshop as well as having attended all the trip preparation committee
meetings and carrying his role as adviser very well. He also gave us his two
written speeches for both the KAMA conference and “Fighting mental illness
stigma in Kenya both of which went on very well.
We arrived
in Nairobi on Wednesday 15.02.12
morning at 7am where we were met with the rich warm Kenyan weather. We changed
money in the city and after an early lunch we proceeded to Kiangombe mission
where Benson was preaching in the crusade at 5pm which went on alright despite the
jet lag exhaustion.
16th Feb 2012, we held the “fighting mental illness stigma in
Kenya workshop”. The workshop attracted 150 people, mainly families with a
member who is mentally ill. Speakers included, Benson, Elizabeth, Vanesa,
Foustina, charity (from Nairobi introduced to us by Jane Wangai who lives in
Wakefield) she had a wonderful testimony of how the Lord healed her from mental
illness. Her story became the workshop attraction. This continued happening
every time she joined in the consecutive meetings particularly at St. Andrew’s
College of Theology and Development, Kabare. We cannot thank her enough. The
workshop was held at Christ church Kiangwachi in Gacharu. The following was
agreed by the participants:-
individual congregations can start befriending mentally ill persons
a Day Care Centre for the rehabilitation of mentally ill persons be started as
soon as funding is available
the idea of befriending the mentally ill people is a good one and that participants
will start spreading the message for greater awareness.
idea that a Mrs Glynis Stirling will visit Kenya later in the year to train
people on befriending service, was highly welcome.
16th Feb 2012 (afternoon) we did water project preparations.
Friday 17th Feb 2012 Benson was main speaker at the
(KAMA) Kenya Anglican Men Association one day conference held at St. Thomas
Cathedral. KAMA chairman read the speech by Revd Mike Garthland. The men
presented me with KAMA tie and badge for Rev. Garthland. Ven. Anthony
Mureithi KAMA coordinator in the
diocese of Kirinyaga moved a warm vote of thanks on behalf of the KAMA.
Saturday 18th Benson gave a moving talk to the
Kiang’ombe Pentecostal church leaders 10am -1pm. At 2pm we visited our in-laws
to be where one of my younger step-brothers is betrothed to a girl for the
purpose of marriage negotiations.
19th Elizabeth preached at Emmanuel church Gacharu while Benson
preached at St. Mary’s Kibingoti and at Kiine girls secondary school. At 2pm we
attended our family come together and the celebration of late Onesmus Kimaru 4th
death anniversary.
20th Feb. 12 attended community meeting chaired by the local
chief for the purpose of discussing the bridge to be constructed in phase two
of the Gacharu water project. At 2pm we attended a meeting between Kinyakiiru –
Kibirigwi water project and Gacharu water project – phase 2 community.
A deal was reached to join the two together. This means after the meeting
Gacharu Water Project members in phase two preferred to be assisted to join an
irrigation scheme. The former has build an intake bringing water for
irrigation, so phase two of the Gacharu Water Project will have irrigation
21st Feb.12 attended funeral service for Elizabeth’s
22/2 (off-day)
Thursday 23rd Feb. 12 meeting with Bishop Moses Masamba of Mbeere diocese. He
invited us to conduct, “fighting mental illness stigma in Kenya”, workshop on 2nd
March 2012.
Friday 24/2 visit to Nairobi city where we had the opportunity of
reading and sending emails etc,.
25/2 visited Elizabeth’s Auntie about 300km away (Timboroa)
Sunday 26/2 Benson preached at St. Philips
Mburi church accompanied by Elizabeth
and Eva. At 5pm invited for supper by
Benson’s uncle Duncan.
Monday 27/2 visited Gacharu water
project phase 1 for a meeting with the water beneficiaries tour.
Tuesday 28/2 visit to relatives and friends
Wednesday 29/2 visit Nairobi city
Thursday 1st March visit Utugi’s Children’s Home
Wanguru to present Kshs 5000 from Micheal and Anita as wel as clothing etc.
4.30pm Benson preached at St. Andrews college of theology and development
Kabare Holy Communion service at 5pm. 8pm same place, Benson, Elizabeth,
Charity and Dr. Josiah did a presentation of “fighting mental illness stigma in
Kenya”, to about 300 college students and faculty followed by a very good time
of question and answer discussion.
Friday 2/3 Benson, Elizabeth,
Veronica (from Nairobi) and the Revd Dr. Josiah Murage conducted the workshop
“fighting the stigma of mental illness”, at St. Andrews Kanothi Anglican church
which was attended by over 50 families who have at least a member who is
mentally ill. At 5pm hold a meeting with 14 diocesan clergy from Gichugu for
the purpose of organising the launching of “Fighting mental illness stigma in
Kenya. At 7pm sleep over at Bishop Henry Kathii’s residence. Bishop Kathii and
his wife were our best couple during our wedding.
Saturday 3/3 joins in the phase 2 irrigation
water supply and connection and distribution of various items including
clothing and footwear.
Sunday 4th Feb. Benson visited St. Mary Magdalene
Maringo where he ministered as vicar 1998-2001 and gave a testimony as well as
a short message of encouragement while Elizabeth and Eva rested.
Monday 5th March, 12 departed from Nairobi international airport to Manchester
via Amsterdam. We are grateful to David for arranging to pick us from
Manchester international airport. We arrived exhausted and tired but very happy
to have realised the accomplishment of the working holiday trip in Kenya.
shooting as usual took place and we expect the trip video to be sent to us soon
as possible so we can saw it to our donors etc,.
We would
like to appreciate all those who prayed for the trip.